Player Evaluations are conducted to ensure your child is placed in the division that will allow them to excel and most importantly, have fun playing the game of baseball. It is important to note that a child's
performance in Player Evaluations will never cause a player to be excluded from participation in the league. All registered players will be placed on a team in a division suitable to their skill level.
Evaluations help the league balance its teams during the subsequent Major and Minor division player draft. Balancing teams in each division of play promotes competitive balance and enhances the overall Little League experience for every child in the league.
2024 Player Evaluations - March 9 and 16 (at the Starkey North Fields, 5701 Crystal Creek Drive)
Who MUST attend
All 6-years-olds registered for Coach Pitch
All players registered for Minor League/Player Pitch, Majors, and Intermediate
Who does NOT need to attend
Players registered for Instructional Tee Ball, Tee Ball and Machine Pitch
Players who do not attend evaluations will be ineligible for All-Stars and will NOT be guaranteed placement in the division in which they are registered.
- Your player only needs to attend one of the Evaluation dates
- Players need to report to the Pavilion at Starkey North to check-in 30 minutes before their evaluation start time
- League Ages 12 & 13 evaluations start at 10:00am on Starkey North Field 3
- League Ages 8 & 9 evaluations start at 10:00am on Starkey North Field 1
- League Age 11 evaluations start at 11:00am on Starkey North Field 2
- League Age 10 evaluations start at 1:00pm on Starkey North Field 2
* Any League Age 9 player wanting to be Evaluated for the Majors Division should attend the Age 10 Evaluation
* Any League Age 8 player registered in Coach Pitch that wants to be evaluated for Minors Player Pitch may attend the Ages 8 & 9 Evaluation
* Any player that does not attend an Evaluation will not be eligible for selection to an All-Star Team
Please make plans to attend the first evaluation date, if at all possible. Our hope is to evaluate the majority of players on day 1, using the 2nd day to evaluate players who were unavailable the first day. All ages listed below refer to a child’s “league age”, which is their age on August 31, 2024